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Theory of Literature I

Class at Faculty of Education |

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Seminář bude realizován v ZS 2020 na platformě MSTeams   Obsah seminářů: - práce s konkrétními texty pro ZŠ a SŠ:

1. J. V. Sládek (Lesní studánka), F. Hrubín (Kuřátko)

2. Velbloud (J. Skácel); M. Bystrov, P. Nikl (Nech ten mech)

3. Prozaické texty z oblasti LPDM

4. Princip obraznosti (V. Nezval, J. Deml), Obrazárna (P. Brukner)

5. Literatura umělecká vs. populární

6. Základní složky interpretace textů LPD (pohádka, pověst)

7. Modelová četba básně od I. M. Jirouse (ze sb. Magor dětem)

8. Interpretace textů současné prózy a poezie (J. Balabán, P. Hruška)


The aim of the course is to create students' habits of reflection of literary culture, ways of critical thinking about literature and the ability to reflect the functions and roles of literature in society. The basic term is the concept of literary life and the course will therefore focus on its various institutions, the relationship between literature and society and concepts such as conformal and nonconformist, literature and politics, literature and art, literature and social discourse.

If the basic field is literary life and the basic themes are topics determining its form, then the units of this field are phenomena that will also attract attention in individual seminars and their form and role in the creation of cultural life will be followed. The seminar is reactive, students actively work with literary periodicals, servers and databases, watch how literature works in the network of social and audiovisual media.

The seminar will also use the possibility of discussions with writers and author readings, which students will be tasked to attend during the semester and reflect them in writing. At the same time, the aim of the seminar is to raise students' interest in the lively subject of their study and prepare them for teaching the history of literature, which they will then be able to perceive as reflecting their already updated and critically evaluated experience with contemporary literature and its forms.