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History of the Czech literature IV

Class at Faculty of Education |


1. Periodization of literature of the older period.

2. Spiritual song pre-Hussite language Czech and Latin.

3. Hussitism and spiritual song, religious streams of Bohemia in the 16th century and their relationship to spiritual song.

4. The post-White Mountain spiritual song and its influence on other changes of the genre in the 19th century.

5. Prayer in the changes of medieval and early modern literature.

6. Hagiography, its importance in the history of older Czech literature, saints, canonization. The oldest legends on the Czech territory.

7. Pre-Hussite legend, developmental tendencies, forms. The relationship of Hussite to hagiography.

8. Hagiography in the early modern period, confessional attitudes towards saints, post-White Mountain legend.

9. Homiletics in the history of older Czech literature, link to ancient and medieval rhetoric.

10. Early modern preaching, changes of genre: art of new elocence and its retreat.

11. Recreative literature and its ambivalence forms in the Middle Ages.

12. Short narrative genres in the early modern period, fabule, švanky, exempla. Syncreticity of functions.


Learning outcomes of the course unit The aim of the course is to provide students with a knowledge-based system-based basis that will enable them to teach older Czech literature at various levels of education. The course consists of lectures, which will include the following topics:

1. Periodization of literature of the older period.

2. Spiritual song pre-Hussite language Czech and Latin.

3. Hussitism and spiritual song, religious streams of Bohemia in the 16th century and their relationship to spiritual song.

4. The post-White Mountain spiritual song and its influence on other changes of the genre in the 19th century.

5. Prayer in the changes of medieval and early modern literature.

6. Hagiography, its importance in the history of older Czech literature, saints, canonization. The oldest legends on the Czech territory.

7. Pre-Hussite legend, developmental tendencies, forms. The relationship of Hussite to hagiography.

8. Hagiography in the early modern period, confessional attitudes towards saints, post-White Mountain legend.

9. Homiletics in the history of older Czech literature, link to ancient and medieval rhetoric.

10. Early modern preaching, changes of genre: art of new elocence and its retreat.

11. Recreative literature and its ambivalence forms in the Middle Ages.

12. Short narrative genres in the early modern period, fabule, švanky, exempla. Syncreticity of functions. The course includes seminars focusing on practical knowledge of reading old texts, both printed and handwritten. Possibilities of interpretation of older Czech literature will be demonstrated on selected works.