Obecná část:
Systematická část:
\r\nInorganic Chemistry I
General part:
Systematical part:
Inorganic Chemistry I
General part:
Atomic structure, former and actual theories, wave mechanics, Schrödinger equation.
Quantum numbers, orbitals, their shapes, nodal faces
Chemical bond, types of bonds
Covalent bond
Molecular orbitals theory
Valence shell electron pair repulsion (VSEPR)
Ionic bond and structure of crystalline compounds
Metal bond
Weak bonding interactions
Theory of acids and bases
Oxidation and reduction, electrode potentials, electrochemical series
Ligand field theory, d-orbitals splitting in the field of octahedral, tetrahedral and square planar symmetry
Systematical part:
Hydrogen and oxygen
Halides: elements, group characterization, oxygenfree compounds
Halides: oxides, oxoacids and their salts
Chalcogenides: elements, group characterzation, oxygenfree compounds
Oxoacids of sulfur, selenium and tellurium and their salts
N-group elemets: group characterization, oxygenfree compounds
Oxides and oxoacids of nitrogen and their salts
Oxides and oxoacids of phosphorus and their salts
Carbon-group elements
Boron-group elements
Alkaline metals
Alkaline earths metals
The first transition group elements, common oxidation states and their colours
The second and the third transition group elements, common oxidation states and their colours
Chromium group elements and manganese
Iron, cobalt and nickel
Copper group elements
Atomic structure. Schrödinger equation.
Chemical bond. Molecular Orbital Theory.
Molecular orbitals of diatomic and polyatomic molecules. Ionization energies.
Hydrogen bonding and weak interactions. Shapes of molecules and molecular symmetry.
Theoretical basis of the periodic table. Electronegativity.
Radii of atom in covalent and ionic compounds. Systematic chemistry of elements.
Main group elements. Coordination compounds - spectral and magnetic properties.