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Chemistry Informatics

Class at Faculty of Education |

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Zdroje informací

Citační etika a typy citačních norem


Citování s využitím příslušného softwaru

Využití MS Word v přípravě chemicky zaměřených meteriálů

Využití MS Excel v přípravě přírodovědně zaměřených materiálů

Tvorba prezentací


The main goal of this course is to teach students to gain chemistry and chemistry education specific information from different resources, use them, elaborate and present correspondingly. The aim of this course is to make the students understood with information databases, "chemistry" typography specifics, work with scientific texts and methods of citing.

During the course, the students learn about information resources, possibilities of their civilized saving, citation ethics, further they learn to use software facilitating the work with citations, they deepen their user knowledge of MS Office package and master other tools for creating chemistry formula or presentations. ABove all, they contribute to the creative spirit of the course.