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History of Education

Class at Faculty of Education |


1. Education in ancient Greece and Rome. Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, and Quintilianus.

2. Education in the Middle Ages. Christianity and its influence on education. Scholasticism. Church schools, urban schools, and universities.

3. Education and training in the period of humanism and renaissance. Erasmus, Rabelais. Anti-reformation and Reformation education (Unity of Brethren, Jesuit Education).

4. Pedagogy of J. A. Komenský.

5. Pedagogy of the Enlightenment Period. Locke, Rousseau, and Pestalozzi. Education in the Czech lands (Theresian reform, the so-called patriotic teachers, and K.S. Amerling).

6. Pedagogy and education in 19th century. J. F. Herbart. Herbartismus. Froebel, and Lindner. Education in the Czech lands in the 19th century.

7. Development of the school as an educational institution. Education of the teachers.

8. Education Reform in the world. The direction of 20th century pedagogy.

9. Education and pedagogy in Czechoslovakia in the 20th century.


The subject acquaints students with the development of pedagogical thinking, educational institutions and politics surrounding school systems in the Czech landsand the world in individual cultural epochs from the beginning of history till the present. Particular attention is paid to the development of the educational systems in the Czech lands compared to the rest of the world.