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Literature for Children I

Class at Faculty of Education |

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Témata: 13. února 2023

Příběhy jako způsob poznávání světa, exkurz do narativní psychologie; sociologie dětského čtenářství; čtenářská gramotnost a strategie

Tematická a žánrová mapa literatury pro děti; vztah textu a ilustrace

Vytváření čtenářských biografií, záznamy z četby a dílna čtení v praxi   15. března 2023

Poezie pro děti, její tradiční, moderní a experimentální linie; význam jazykové hry v rozvoji dětské představivosti 

Pohádky, jejich znaky a typologie

Dílna čtení v praxi


The course combines a lecture and a reading workshop.Students bring children's books to the seminar, which they choose from a list of recommended reading. They read these books in the seminar (at least 20 minutes).

Reading books is preceded by mini-lessons (often in the form of working with a common text) focused on reflecting on the reading experience, on some of the reading strategies (eg. anticipation, summarizing, asking questions, etc.) and on different ways of keeping reading records (eg. double diary). Subsequently (based on the assigned tasks) they discuss the read in pairs, present their books in the plenary (they recommend each other) and talk about what they found out about their book during the task.

The main goal of the seminar is for students to experience how Reading Workshops take place, how to work with reading experiences in the classroom, to read contemporary Czech and world literature for children, to be able to think and talk about it - and all this with regard to their future pupils.