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Literary Education and Reading I

Class at Faculty of Education |

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1. Plánování přípravy pozpátku

2. Třífázový model učení E - U - R (před - při - po)

3. Nosné myšlenky

4. Didaktický potenciál textu

5. Rozvoj čtenářství na ZŠ

6. Reflexe svého pokroku a potřeb v plánování LV


The aim of the seminar is to master the process of planning the Backward design, to achieve coherence in the care of reading development in the teaching unit, to build work with the text according to the E - U - R learning model (Evocation, Realization of. Meaning, Reflection), to apply already acquired knowledge about the main idea and didactic potential of the text. Students learn to choose a text suitable for teaching in a lesson or block of lessons, continuously under the guidance they work on their own preparation for the literary education unit, which works with the text according to the constructivist learning model.

At the end of the semester, they write a summary reflection on their progress and needs in LV planning.