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Assistive Practice in Field Didactics II

Class at Faculty of Education |


The aim is to acquire these skills not only in specific field didactics, but to integrate them across school lessons. During the assistive practice, the student performs various activities. In the range of 0/1, in-service training at elementary school, the assistant teacher's activities, verifies specific didactic practices in their own teaching experience. Every student's activity is self-reflective and the teacher reflects at the end of the lesson. Throughout the course and organisation of the practice the student keeps records in the form of a reflective journal. The student chooses "own" school and her 1st st. Elementary School and a teacher who will practice the assistive practice.

In the range of 0/1, students complete the tasks of the subject-specific didactic courses, which are the co-requisites of Assistive Practice I (Didactics of Development of Initial Literacy with Practice II, Didactics of Mathematics I and Knowledge of Nature with Didactics II).

The intention is that students can use their practical experience in the teaching of individual subjects in the development of their theoretical and didactic knowledge.

Detailed instructions for organizing the course and completing the course will be specified by the guarantor of the SP Teacher of 1st st. Primary School and Head of KPPg through a public notice on the KPPg website and in the SIS.


Assistive Practice in Field Didactics II is a course in which the student deepens his / her didactic practical experience from didactics, which are co-requisites or prerequisites of this course.