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Effective methods of assessment and planning support of children in kindergarten

Class at Faculty of Education |

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Členění kurzu: 1.  Úvod do metod formativního hodnocení - 18.2 (4 hodiny)

 - pozorování, dokumentace a formativní hodnocení v MŠ

- teoretický základ a nácvik pozorovacích a hodnotících dovedností studentů  2. Metody hodnocení a evaluace, individuální a skupinová práce - 18.2 3.  Návaznost metod hodnocení na tvrobu indviduální podpory dětí v podobě plánů pedaogické podpory,  reflexe zadaných úkolů - 22.4 (4 hodiny)


The aim of the course is to develop students' competencies in the field of observation, documentation, formative assessment and individual support of the child in kindergarten. The course focuses on the methods of formative assessment of the child, what methods of assessment and evaluation exist and how we can work with them.

The aim of the seminars will be to pass on theoretical knowledge and practical experience that will enable students to evaluate and evaluate the child so that the emphasis is on supporting the child as a learner. The course is divided into three face-to-face meetings, where the student gets acquainted with the key theoretical basis for formative assessment, training students' practical skills in observing the child, documentation of its development, evaluation and linking individual and group educational offer with evaluation results.

Each face-to-face meeting is preceded by preparation in the online Moodle environment. The course will also include individual tasks that teachers will process directly in their kindergarten.