1) The line, its role in graphic communication (boundary, path, instructions, connecting line, direction, etc.); wildcard role of line; line and world of plane, space; types of lines; way to emblem; images in one stroke; coding of movement not only by line; interpretation of children's graphic record of solving the task.
2) Elements of topology (inside, outside, boundaries in 2D and in 3D; touching, overlapping); the difference in meaning of words in the world children's realities and in the world of abstraction; children's activities and their positives and pitfalls.
3) The measure of a geometric structure (the basis of the theory – following primary school); the way to measure - geometric and arithmetic approach: comparing, measuring, filling space /planes, working with unit objects, determining their number; subtraction, measurement, estimation, guessing in the given context and limits in preschool age; children's activities and their analysis.
4) Orientation in space, in a plane, to one orientation point; spatial memory (static, dynamic, for the whole, structure); planar memory; memory for object shape, position, size relative to the surroundings; vocabulary; stimulation of the development of said abilities; orientation in directions (front-back, up-down and right-left) including evaluation of available methodological and diagnostic materials; the path to elementary plan and its understanding; connection to dynamic situations.
5) Identical representations in the plane and in space and their roots in normal activities; meanings of the words identical and same;
6) Construction development in children (what depends on how and when to interpret construction) – the development phase including the zero phase of work with various materials; types of kits and puzzles; work with the template and plan; the child's difficulties and possible causes; gradation of difficulty for puzzles; construction dictation; first control processes and correction; differences between children of different ages.
7) Labyrinths – typology; solution methods; counterproductive teaching strategy; learning the meaning of the word "possibility", working with a mistake; the first solving strategies.
8) Transformation and theirs types (shape, position, size and others), use in the concept-forming process; working with a magnifying glass, water, sand, lace and the like; distinguishing the world of the plane and the world of space.
9) Shape of things, geometric shape, geometric formation; the differences between the world of reality and the world of abstraction; shape recognition capabilities; principles for naming 3D objects; trials; conceptual process in geometry.
10) The whole and its parts; the relativity of concepts even in the child's speech; meaning of speech and verbal supply; processes of decomposition, composition, correction; the teacher's strategy and techniques in the child's activities;
11) Communication and its completeness, assessability; statement and ways of evaluating it; the meaning of the words true/false and their word alternations depending on contexts; from an individual statement to the perception of understanding a compound statement; meaning of conjunctions in common communication and in the rules; penetrating logical structures; prelogical thinking and the beginnings of logical thinking; decision-making in games with rules, dispute resolution and reasoning.
12) Sentence composition, negation and its meaning for mathematics; proof by dispute; reasoning; reasoning; the process of generalizing and understanding the quantifier in speech; restrictive factors; yes/no word meanings; the role of listening to reading on the development of prelogical thinking; argumentation; sentence formation from sentence forms; defining the definition field; different types of communication (speech, gesture, graphic, pantomimic); targeted stimulation for the onset of the use of the first statements - expression in a full sentence; work with information; game stack; links to other circuits. From the given offer according to the students' interest (questionnaire), we will focus on selected courses
Kurz je zaměřen na vybrané kapitoly z (pre)gometrie. Rozvíjí potřebné schopnosti studentů v oblasti oborové i didaktické prostřednictvím řešení konkrétních úloh a diskusí k jejich řešení.
U každého tématu je závěr věnován využitelnosti v předškolním vzdělávání a návaznosti školní matematiky na takové zkušenosti dítěte. Ze sedmi nabízených okruhů se dle přání studentů zaměříme na pět z nich dle toho, jak se v dotazníku k nabídce vyjádří před první lekcí.