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Set theory seminar

Class at Faculty of Education |


- Comparison of sets. Equivalence of sets.

- Finite and infinite sets.

- The principle of exclusion and inclusion for finite sets.

- Comparison of the cardinality of a given set with its power set.

- countable and uncountable sets.

- The uncountability of the set of all real numbers.

- Cantor's discontinuum and its properties.

- The equivalence of Cantor's discontinuum and the set of all real numbers.

- The equivalence of a line segment with a cube.

- Cardinal numbers, the sum, product and power of cardinal numbers.

- Zermelo's axiom of choice and Zermelo's theorem on well ordering.


Basic notions of set theory. Cardinality of a set, countable and uncountable sets.

Cardinal and ordinal numbers, Zermelo's axiom of choice and its consequences. Cantor's discontinuum and its properties.

Peano's curve.