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Introduction to Systemic Thinking

Class at Faculty of Education |


1. Constructivism.

2. The theory of systemic thinking, knowledge.

3. Interpersonal interaction.

4. Ethics of practical man.

5. Systemic theory of communication.


The course is an introduction to contemporary constructivism (systemic thinking), which is an interdisciplinary field of social and biological sciences (HR Maturana, F. Varela, G.

Bateson, P. Watzlawick, N.

Luhmann, EV Glaserfeld, HV Foerster, etc.). Explains the basic views of constructivism, introduces the theory of systemic thinking and communication and knowledge.

It presents an ontology of the observer, the way a person describes himself as is included in the description. Explains summarizing sentence "everything said is said observer", which portrays the recursive principle.

It implies a basic understanding of the implications for human and its interaction brings not only a picture of an ethics and practical life. The seminars are outlined systemic communication theory and the theory of knowledge Maturanova practical impact in everyday life.

Constructivism leads to the need to ensure respect each other, as a prerequisite for creating a stable, reliable facts for themselves.