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Didactics of Information and Communication Technology - 04

Class at Faculty of Education |


Introduction in fundamental concepts of constructionim, constructionism and logo culture.

The key parametres of platforms for constructionist approaches to learning (LOGO, Imagine, Scratch, etc.)

Examples of contsructionist approaches to teaching and learning of some temas of ICT/Informatics at basic schools.


"Didactics ICT 04" focuses on the explanation of theoretical principles of constructivism and constructionism as a basis for innovative approaches to teaching informatics-oriented subjects and subjects of the ICT educational area included in primary and secondary school education. Clarification of these principles is based on the work of prominent representatives of Logo´s culture, especially Seymour Papert and his students and colleagues from MIT (Mitchel Resnick, etc.) and from foreign universities (Gerald Futchek, Valentina Dagiene, Ivan Kalaš, etc.).

Main attention is paid to methodological approaches to learning activities intended for pupils of primary and secondary schools using selected educational programming platforms (Logo, Imagine, Scratch, etc.).