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Classroom Observation in Biology

Class at Faculty of Education |

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1. úvodní seminář (organizace praxe, požadované výstupy)

2. 6 hodin přímých náslechů výuky přírodopisu/biologie na ZŠ nebo SŠ – každý student individuálně

3. zpracování 6 reflexí dle požadovaného zadání – každý student individuálně

4. závěrečný reflektivní seminář


The course aimed at developing the students´ ability to observe teaching and to mediate the direct experience with the school environment. Students attend 6 biology lessons at ISCED 2 or ISCED 3 schools (eg lesson, laboratory practical, field trip).

Students compose thematically oriented reflections. The reflections are focused on the monitoring of didactic activities, teaching methods, engaging pupils in teaching, assessing pupil´s learning and monitoring the strengths and weaknesses of the teaching process.

Students thus have the opportunity to look from the position of an observer to the real biology teaching environment, which can be inspiring and contributing to their future practice in many ways.