Instruktivní, konstruktivní a konektivistické edukační prostředí
Současné pojetí a nástroje konstruktivní výuky
Konstruktivní výukové aplikace
Projektové metody a výukové projekty
Virtuální prostředí a současný vývoj eLearningu
Metodické aspekty realizace konstruktivních metod edukace
Semestrální práce reflektující získané znalosti probírané problematiky
Cognitive and constructivist aspects of psychodidactic systems
Instructive, constructive and connectivist educational environment
Contemporary Concepts and Tools of Constructive Teaching
Constructive learning applications
Project methods and teaching projects
Virtual environment and current development of eLearning
Methodological aspects of realization of constructive methods of education
Semestral work reflecting acquired knowledge of the subject matter
Cognitive and constructivist aspects of psychodidactic systemsInstructive, constructive and connectivist educational environmentContemporary Concepts and Tools of Constructive TeachingConstructive learning applicationsProject methods and teaching projectsVirtual environment and current development of eLearningMethodological aspects of realization of constructive methods of educationSemestral work reflecting acquired knowledge of the subject matter
The course builds on the previous themes oriented on didactic of the technical subjects, especially in the thematic units of educational technology and ICT in education. The course focuses on practical aspects of implementation of constructivist theory of learning, constructive approaches to education and relevant teaching methods.
In accordance with the prevailing didactic methodological orientation of the second cycle of study is to develop didactically and technically appropriate manner of the participants to transform the acquired knowledge and skills to real learning activities with constructive, respectively problem and project-based focus on the use of ICT, and thus improve the overall fitness of students in the direction of practical application of ICT in education.