Teoretická východiska pedagogicých inovací
Oblasti pedagogických inovací
Možnosti a limity praktické realizace v podmínkách současné školy
Příklady dobré praxe ze spolupráce učitele s dalšími pdborníky a učiteli v profesních rolích ve škole, vč. asistenta pedagoga.
The aim of the course is to enlighten students about pedagogical innovations, their theoretical background and possibilities of practical implementation in the conditions of contemporary schools.
The areas of innovation in pedagogy range from the basic profile of schools (traditional vs. alternative schools), through the forms of teaching in schools, teaching methods and the work of the teacher, information technology to the material provision and arrangement of the classroom or teaching outside the school building. These are mainly those innovative tendencies that have been proven by pedagogical practice to be significant and at the same time pose a challenge to the contemporary teacher. Especially for current task of teacher´s profession to cooperate with experts, with teacher at tandem training, with assitent of teacher.