Teaching language skills: teaching listening, teaching reading, teaching speaking, teaching writing. Course evaluation
Sylabus pro LS 2017:
Receptivní řečové dovednosti: poslech a čtení
Produktivní řečové dovednosti: mluvení a psaní
Praxe a na ní zadané úkoly
Reflexe praxe, swop-shop vlastních aktivit zaměřených na jednotlivé řečové dovednosti včetně pilotáže, kritéria hodnocení řečových dovedností, sumarizace výstupů z pozorování zaměřeného na řečové dovednosti
Závěr, needs analysis, diskuse videozáznamů atd.
The aim of this course is to develop knowledge and skills for teaching interactive, receptive and productive language skills.
Students will be introduced to foreign language acquisition theories and to psycholinguistic processes taking place particularly during spoken interaction and during listening and reading comprehension. Students will bečíme familiar with the
European scale of language proficiency and gain basic knowledge of assessing written and spoken discourse. As part of the seminars, students will participate in partner teaching based on differentiated literature study, peer-teaching and reflection. Students will learn to evaluate didactic approaches and develop their knowledge. They will create their own portfolio of effective teaching activities and will be able to integrate individual language skills to create a lesson plan.