The content of the Comprehensive Exam in German Language and Literature (for graduating students of the follow-up Master's degree program) is an essay on one of the four offered topics. These are topics from the fields of German language literature, linguistics, linguistics and didactics of non-linguistic disciplines, one topic is of a general nature.
The essay should contain at least 500 words. Grammar, stylistics and content are taken into account when evaluating the essay.
Content ratings are guided by the principle that the text adheres to the outline drawn up in the introduction to the essay. The text should be related to the chosen topic and should express the writer's opinion.
As far as style is concerned, the essay should show how students are able to express themselves in German on a given topic in an appropriate functional style using a wide range of stylistic means. If a student receives grade 4 (failed) in any of the above categories, then the essay is assessed as a whole.
Otherwise, the final grade is the average of grammar, stylistic and content grade.