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Introduction into English Language Teaching Methodology II

Class at Faculty of Education |


- aims and subject matter of the English language teaching/learning

- factors affecting the success/failure of leraning the English language; motivation

- approaches to learning/teaching English

- the learner of the English language

- roles of the teacher

- class management

- testing 

- evaluation and marking, feedback

- mistakes, errors and their corrections

- curricular documents - RVP, ŠVP

- ELT didactic aids, ICT in English lessons  

- textbooks - their choice, quality   


Introduction into the didactics of the English language II is a theoretical and practical course consisting of a lecture and a seminar whose main aim is to get students acquainted with the key concepts from the area of subject didactics of the English language connected to the aims, subject matter and methods of ELT. The participants are also going to deal with various aspects of the learner of the English language as well as the roles of a teacher.

They will also get acquianted with the area of class management. Attention will be paid to testing and marking and evaluation.

Within the framework of the seminar these theoretical concepts will be implemented into teaching practice e.g. in the form of observing English lessons with a follow-up feedback as well as microteaching or the correction and marking of student written and oral performances.