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Developing Intercultural Communicative Competence in the English language teaching

Class at Faculty of Education |

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Cíle a průběh studijního předmětu.

Seznámení se s konceptem IKK, role IKK ve vzdělávacím procesu (jak na úrovni Evropské unie, tak České republiky), terminologie.

Dimenze IKK – zkušenostní učení.

Dimenze IKK – plánování a realizace.

Zpět ke konceptu Interkulturní komunikativní kompetence (dimenze, domény, znaky, kompetence, procesy atp.)



The study subject focuses on the construct of intercultural communicative competence (ICC) and its dimensions. The aim is students’ ICC development in order to enable them to become quality mediators of ICC in their own teaching practice, as well as methods and techniques of ICC development itself.

Seminars are mainly based on the principles of experiential teaching and learning, which supports students’ ability of ICC didactic transformation.