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Vertebrate zoology

Class at Faculty of Education |

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I.Úvod do poznávání strunatců, literatura, vybavení

II. Mihulovci, Ryby

III. Ryby

IIII. Obojživelníci

V. Plazi

VI. Ptáci 1.

VII. Ptáci 2.

VIII. Ptáci 3.

IX. Ptáci 4.

X. Savci 1.

XI. Savci 2.

Dobrovolná exkurze

Národní muzeum

Troja, řeka a Zoo  


In this course, students will get acquainted with the basic (in terms of teaching model) taxa of all classes of living vertebrates, attention is paid to species living in the Czech Republic and Central Europe. The course may include an excursion to the zoo, a visit to the installed collections of the National Museum in Prague or other activities.