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Bachelor Seminar

Class at Faculty of Education |

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1. Volba tématu bakalářské práce I.

2. Volba tématu bakalářské práce II.

3. Volba relevantní literatury a pramenů.

4. Koncepce práce, metody zpracování a prezentace.

5. Samostatná vystoupení jednotlivých studentů.

6. Samostatná vystoupení jednotlivých studentů.


Students enroll in a bachelor seminar for individual teachers based on an agreement on the topic of the bachelor thesis. The aim of the seminar is to correctly identify the research topic and to choose the procedures by which it will be processed.

Students should create the prerequisites to successfully meet the basic requirement of the bachelor thesis - to demonstrate the ability to work independently with sources and especially with literature. In the first lessons the seminar focuses on the methodology of writing a larger-scale historical work.

In others, students are encouraged to master heuristics on a given topic. To obtain credit, they submit lists of sources and literature that relate to their work.