Konfesní rozpory a náboženská každodennost 1. Katolictví a reformace – shody a odlišnosti 2. Otázka kultů v české reformaci a katolickém prostředí, Individuální zbožnost v utrakvistickém a katolickém prostředí 3. Otázka náboženské konverze v životě člověka raného novověku 4. Náboženský život a zbožnost tajných nekatolíků v pobělohorské době.
Náboženská praxe a projevy zbožnosti: 1. Liturgický rok, svátky a církevní slavnosti 2. Svátosti a svátostiny 3. Typy kolektivních pobožností, náboženské rituály 4. Symbolika v náboženském životě a prostoru 5. Princip odpustků, kupčení s nimi a jejich význam pro duchovní život 6. Místo smrti v náboženském životě a Topografie posmrtného života 7. Re álie náboženského života v 17. a 18. století.
The elective seminars I and II for the Bachelor's degree deepen the student's historical contextual knowledge. The seminars are designed in an interdisciplinary manner, linking history with related disciplines (e.g. art history, literary history, geography, etc.), aiming to encourage students to work independently with different types of sources and to deepen their factual and argumentative skills, to present the results of their work in public and to be able to discuss and defend their conclusions.
Selected seminar I E - Religious life and piety in the early modern period.
The seminar focuses on the issue of religious life and its changes in the territory of the Czech lands and the Habsburg monarchy in the 16th-18th centuries. This topic goes beyond the Central European dimension, it is about general Christian issues applied also in other European countries. The focus of the seminar is based on the fact that religion in the early modern period significantly shaped the way people thought and thus influenced many areas of life - from politics to economic and social issues to the cultural level of society. The seminar is built with a view to the application of knowledge in pedagogical practice, it will trace both the development of church history and the position of religious life of the laity, e.g. the influence of the Reformation and Counter-Reformation on everyday life, the introduction of new cults and forms of piety, the formation of believers, the influence of the religious environment on the religious behaviour of the lay public, etc. Work in the seminary also introduces the realities and rituals of early modern religiosity. Attention will also be paid to working with historical sources on the above topics, their criticism and interpretation.