(A) Úvod do lingvistiky:
(1) Jazyk
(1.1) Definice jazyka
(1.2) Povaha jazyka.
(1.3) Funkce jazyka.
(2) Lingvistika jako makrodisciplina.
(2.1) Discipliny lingvistiky.
(2.2) Lingvistická terminologie.
(3) Výstavba jazykového systému
(3.1) Výstavbové jednotky.
(3.2) Roviny a pl ány popisu jazyka.
(4) Jazyk a jeho útvary.
(4.1) Typologie jazyků.
(4.2) Typologie variet jazyka.
(5) Typologie jazyků.
(5.1) Geografická typologie.
(5.2) Administrativní typologie.
(5.3) Genealogická typologie.
(5.4) Morfologická typologie.
(5.5) Další typologie.
(6) Slovníky jazyka
(7) Dějiny francouzského jazyka od počátků po vrcholný středověk.
(8) Frankofonie ve světě.
(B) Úvod do teorie literatury (LITERÁRNĚVĚDNÉ a LITERÁRNĚHISTORICKÉ POJMY) : 1. François RABELAIS, Pantagruel, 1532: román, utopie, chvála, 2. Pierre de RONSARD, Madrigal, 1578: sonet, lyrika, renesance, Plejáda 3. Michel de MONTAIGNE, Préface, Essais, 1580-1595: esej, argumentace, humanismus, autobiografie 4. MONTESQUIEU, Lettres persanes, 1721: dopis, komunikace, osvícenství 5. APOLLINAIRE, Poèmes retrouvés, 1965: kaligram, volný verš, moderní lyrika 7. BAUDELAIRE, Les Bohémiens en voyage, 1857: imaginárno, prokletí básníci, rým, verš 8.CHAMOISEAU, Solibo Magnifique, 1988, frankofonní literatura, postkolonialismus, centrum a periferie
The introduction to the philology of the French language is presented in two parts – linguistic and literary-theoretical. In the former, the students are acquainted with language in terms of langue, parole and langage, with its structure and mechanisms of its functioning, with the disciplines exploring them as well as with the structure and diachrony of French diasystem. In the latter, the students obtain theoretical knowledge and solidify the essential understanding of literary theory, literary history and literary criticism with an emphasis on French philology. The acquired knowledge is adopted by the students‘ lecture of scientific literary articles from Czech and foreign experts in Romance languages and by the interpretation of French literary texts. Each student keeps a reading journal in French. The students are able to discern and understand the terms from literary theory: history, criticism, comparative studies, world literature, francophone literature, interpretation, the reception of a literary work, the Romance studies in Czech and global context.
Topics: Language, its structure and functioning; Linguistic disciplines ; Diasystem of the French language; The purpose of literature/humane studies/philology? The division of literary studies; Basic specialised terms from poetics and stylistics; Literary criticism/hermeneutics/poetics/comparative studies/world literature/francophone literature; Categories and genres; Epic, Lyric poetry – Drama; The notion of a narrator and imaginariness.