Setkání 1-3: Úvodní vymezení pojmů didaktiky cizích jazyků, Terminologie FLE a FLS, Další přístupy k výuce jazyka (FLM, FOS, FOU)
Setkání 4-5: Vztah učitel-žák, Pedagogický trojúhelník
Setkání 6-7: Sociokulturní vlivy na výuku FLE, Mezipředmětové vztahy ve výuce jazyků
Setkání 8-10: Historie metod a metodologií, Kontext výuky FLE a FLS ve světe a u nás
Setkání 11-12: Základní dokumenty jazykové výuky ve světě a u nás (SERRJ, RVP)
Setkání kombinuje p řednáškovou a seminární část předmětu do jednoho celku.
The course allows students to get acquainted with the basic concepts of foreign language didactics (French) and their practical impact on contemporary language teaching in primary and secondary schools and other institutions in the Czech Republic and worldwide. The student will gain theoretical knowledge for further preparation for the future profession of language teacher, as well as terminological apparatus for further in-depth study, including the possibility to study basic texts in the original. The student will also understand the relationship between teaching and reflection. The practical part of the course will focus on the analysis of core curriculum texts and their concretization in everyday school practice (link to the observations and stay at schools).
Topics: Introductory definition of the concepts of foreign language didactics, Terminology of FLE and FLS, Other approaches to language teaching (FLM, FOS, FOU), Teacher-student relationship, Pedagogical triangle, Sociocultural influences on FLE teaching, Intersubjective relationships in language teaching, History of methods and methodologies, Context of FLE and FLS teaching in the world and in our country, Basic documents of language teaching in the world and in our country (CEFR, RVP)