The seminar will complement and enrich the study of French lexis with additional practical exercises focused on etymology, word formation and basic semantic categories that were not covered during the Lexicology course.Exercises and assignments will be given to students in advance through the course created in MSTeams or distributed during the seminar
S éminar complements and deepens the discipline of FJ Lexicology through practical exercises, analysis of French lexis, word formation and basic semantics. It focuses on the expansion of vocabulary by means of vocabulary enrichment methods, on a better understanding of unfamiliar words thanks to the knowledge of Latin and Greek prefixes and word formation bases, and on contemporary neology.
It also works with phraseologisms and stagnant phrases. The course is designed for and recommended for students who have taken a semester course in FJ Lexicology, or others who are interested in expanding their understanding of word meanings, semantic relationships, and meaning hierarchy, or who are preparing to take the State exam.