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Literature III (1798-1890)

Class at Faculty of Education |

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1. - Themen für die Seminararbeiten; Die Zeitgenossen der Klassik (Zwischen Klassik und Romantik)

2. - Friedrich Hölderlin, Jean Paul

3. - H. von Kleist: Michael Kohlhaas - Interpretation

4. -  H. von Kleist: Michael Kohlhaas - Interpretation

5. - L. Tieck: Der blonde Eckbert - Interpretation

6. - L. Tieck: Der blonde Eckbert - Interpretation (ev. 1 Referat)

7. - G. Büchner: Woyzeck (Auszüge)

8. - H. Heine: Deutschland ein Wintermärchen (Auszüge)

9. - M. von Ebner-Eschenbach: Krambambuli

10. - G. Keller: Romeo und Julia auf dem Dorfe

11. - T. Fontane: Effi Briest


The aim of the course is to acquaint students with selected works of German literature from the period of Romanticism, Biedermeier, Pre-March and Realism. Emphasis is placed on literary aesthetic and culturally historical aspects of the discussed works.

Content of the course: European context of German Romanticism, political and historical background, philosophical foundations, romantic aesthetic theories and genres. Stage leaders: Brothers Schlegel, Novalis, Wackenroder, Tieck, Brentano, Arnim, Brothers Grimm, Eichendorff, Hoffmann, Chamisso, Fouqué, the Swabian School of poets.

Biedermeier, Lyric: Mörike, Droste-Hülshoff, Prose: Gotthelf, Stifter, Drama: Viennesse popular theatre (Raimund, Nestroy), Grillparzer, Hebbel. Realism, characteristic of the epoch: political background (revolutionary year 1848, nationalism, socialism), social issues (female emancipation), philosophical directions (positivism, materialism, Marxism, Nietzsche, Schopenhauer), literary traffic (readers and education).

Realism in literature: basic features and theories (Vischer, Heyse), novel (Freytag, Keller, Raabe, Fontane), novelle and narration (Storm, Keller, Meyer), lyricism (Storm, Meyer, Liliencron).