Syntax - VO
Definition, Grundbegriffe der Syntax (Satz, Äußerung), Gegenstandsbereich der Syntax
Traditionelle Auffassung der Syntax: Einführende Bemerkungen. Dependentielle Auffassung der Syntax: Einführende Bemerkungen
Satzglieder, Charakteristik der einzelnen Satzglieder
Satzgliedstellung. Einteilung der Sätze nach der finiten Verbform
Satzgliedstellung: Besetzung des Vorfeldes, Mittelfeldes, Nachfeldes
Funktionale Satzperspektive: Thema - Rhema - Struktur, Grundtypen der thematischen Progression
The aim of the course is to acquaint students with the essence, function and basic concepts of German syntax and possible approaches to the analysis of the German sentence. The content of the course is an introduction to the traditional and dependency concepts of grammar and focuses mainly on the concepts of sentence and utterance, syntactic units and syntactic relations: types and types of sentences and their characteristics (declarative, imperative, interrogative, descriptive sentences). so-called Satzäquivalente, Schaltsätze, Satzperioden.
Emphasis is placed on the issue of sentence members and their position in the sentence and on the division of the sentence according to the topic and the theme.