Sylabus: vnitřní vícejazyčnost němčiny:
Hovorový jazyk a standardní jazyk
Písemný a mluvený jazyk
Mládež, gender a odborný jazyk
Problematika jazykového kontaktu
Komunikační maxima
Mediální dovednosti
After an introductory discussion of language and communication, this course will discuss current and controversial aspects of the modern contemporary language in German society. On the one hand, the focus will be on the so-called inner multilingualism of German, which, with its various linguistic-geographical, sociological, historical and situational varieties can repeatedly become a challenge for both learners of German and native speakers.
On the other hand, current aspects of communication behaviour that are controversial in German society are discussed in selected texts and discourses. These include questions about language and communication in politics, in society and in the new media.
At a time when the new media seem to be changing language and communication behaviour in the long term, it is particularly necessary to make language-reflective observations and evaluate them pedagogically. Questions about the digital forms of hate speech, mobbing, fake news and shitstorms will be addressed using sample texts.