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Database and Information Systems

Class at Faculty of Education |


Database systems

History of data storing and processing

Database approach and database management systems

Database system architecture

Database models

Conceptual modeling

Entity Relationship Diagram

Database design

Relational databases, keys, indexes

Datatypes and attributs

Database normalization

Normal forms and database schemas

Decompozition and synthese



Procedural extensions

Data queries

Server administration

Structure definition

Data queries with advenced options

Data access control


The aim of this subject is to introduce students to the problems of database systems, their theories and principles of database design. The course has several views on database technology, the main emphasis is on data modeling and data analysis.

The course deals with various problems with access to data architecture, relational data model, ER model, normalization, data warehousing, distributed databases and knowledge bases. In the practical part, students practice their theoretical knowledge of designing and implementing database transformations of data models into relational database schema based on SQL standards.

The course is also familiar with the basic operations manager database servers and their users access and other services, security and automatic data backup ..