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Supervised Reflection Program for Special Educators I

Class at Faculty of Education |

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Obsahové vymezení: 

Význam portfolia v práci speciálního pedagoga. Systém využívání portfolia v oborové praxi.

Sdílení zkušeností jako součást formativního hodnocení.

Specifika činností speciálního pedagoga na různých pracovištích.

Shrnující reflexe oborové praxe I.


The aim of the course is to share the experience of theoretical knowledge and skills acquired in the teaching of professional subjects with personal experience gained by students during field practice in the environment of selected schools, educational institutions and social services. In the subject Field Practice I, which has a strong motivational character, students get acquainted with specific facilities in order to get an idea of their activities and the activities of special educators in supporting clients (clients with disabilities, pupils with special educational needs, etc.).

According to the instructions of the practice supervisor, they observe the reality, perform assigned tasks, make entries in the Professional Practice Portfolio. Reflective seminars create a space for sharing experiences from the field practice, for exchange of information obtained by performing individual tasks directly in practice.

The findings recorded in the Portfolio (data on the legislative anchorage and activities of the institution, results of own observation, records of interviews with special educators working there, etc.) are reflected upon under the supervision of the teacher.