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Primary Prevention of Risk Behaviour

Class at Faculty of Education |

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V předmětu je kladen důraz především na prevenci v oblasti sociálního klimatu a vrstevnických vztahů. Osnova předmětu po jednotlivých tematických blocích:

1) Základní definice primární prevence rizikového chování, zasazení do kontextu prevence sekundární a terciární, systém školské primární prevence;

2) Jednotlivé typy rizikového chování a jejich specifika;

3) Rozdělení preventivních aktivit: specifická a nespecifická primární prevence, aktivity realizované školou a externisty, typičtí poskytovatelé primární prevence;

4) Cílové skupiny primární prevence (dle věku a rizikovosti);

5) Rizikové a protektivní faktory na úrovní jedince, školy, vrstevníků, rodiny a společnosti;

6) Úrovně prevence dle rizikovosti cílové skupiny: prevence všeobecná, selektivní a indikovaná, vzdělání a kompetence pracovníků na jednotlivých úrovních primární prevence;

7) Efektivita primární prevence, parametry efektivního preventivního programu, Standardy v primární prevenci;

8) Koncepce primární prevence na škole, školní preventivní program, zdravá škola;

9) Seznámení s efektivními programy primární prevence (Kočičí zahrada, Unplugged, Boys a Girls plus, Zipyho kamarádi apod.);

10) Složení efektivního programu, informace k závěrečnému kolokviu;

11) Role poradenských služeb v prevenci;

12) Výzkum a evaluace v primární prevenci - právní rámec PPRCH ve školách


The aim of the course is to acquaint students with the specifics of risk behavior prevention in the context of the education sector. In the seminars, students will develop their competences in the area of ​​effective prevention principles, with an emphasis on cooperation between individual stakeholders.

The current system of school prevention will be accentuated, primary prevention of RCH (general, selective, indicated). Primary prevention of RCH in children and adolescents focuses primarily on preventing the development of risks that are directed especially to these risk manifestations in pupils' behavior: aggression, bullying, cyberbullying, violence, vandalism, intolerance, anti-Semitism, extremism, racism and xenophobia, homophobia, truancy, addictive behavior, substance abuse, nontolism, gambling, risky sports and risky behavior in transport, spectrum of eating disorders, negative sect, sexual risk behavior, the spectrum of effective prevention must include a broader context of topics rather than just focusing on the prevention of abuse substance abuse.

In general, the main objectives of the programs are to promote a healthy way of life, to develop healthy interpersonal relationships and a healthy self-concept of children and adolescents. Students will get an overview of the roles of individual school counseling centers on this issue (especially the school prevention methodology) and their mutual cooperation, they will be familiar with the concept of the minimum preventive program of the school and evaluation of preventive programs.

Examples of good practice, contacts with providers of prevention programs will be presented. Course curriculum: - Basic definitions of primary prevention of risk behavior, setting in the context of secondary and tertiary prevention, school primary prevention system - Individual types of risk behavior and their specifics - Preventive activities: specific and non-specific primary prevention, school activities and external workers, typical providers of primary prevention - Target groups of primary prevention (according to age and risk) - Risk and protective factors at the level of individual, school, peers, family and society - Prevention levels according to the target group risk: general, selective and indicated prevention and Competence of Employees at Individual Levels of Primary Prevention - Effectiveness of Primary Prevention, Parameters of Effective Preventive Program, Standards in Primary Prevention - Concept of Primary Prevention at School, School Prevention Program, Healthy School - Introduction to Effective Primary Prevention Programs (Cat Garden, Unplugged, Boys and Girls Plus, Zipy's Friends, etc.) - Effective Program Composition, Information on the Final Colloquium - The Role of Counseling Services in Prevention - Research and Evaluation in Primary Prevention - PPRCH Legal Framework in schools.