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Reading of the 20th-century Russian Literature

Class at Faculty of Education |

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Symbolistní literatura.

Poezie akmeistů.


Spisovatelé mimo básnické směry.

Literatura 1. vlny ruské emigrace.

Antiutopie v ruské literatuře.

Humoristé a satirici.

Avantgardní experimenty v literatuře.

Ruští realisté.

Občanská válka a její zachycení v ruské literatuře.

Literatura pod dozorem, socialistický realismus.

Trezorová díla.


The aim of this course is to familiarize students (using particular works of art of the 1st half of the 20th century) with the posibility of using fiction in the teaching process of a foreign language and to contribute to the range of general cultural knowledge of the students, to enich a cultivate their intellectual needs, to deepen their skills of orientation and independent evaluation on the basis of the gained knowledge.