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- Special education of individuals (persons) with multiple disability I.

Class at Faculty of Education |

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Teoretická východiska problematiky

Diagnózy predikující kombinované postižení

Komunikace osob s kombinovaným postižením

Metody výuky, budování představ

Metoda aktivního učení

Problematika osob hluchoslepých

Výuka bude podpořena tématy externistů ze zařízení pro děti s KP Zahrádka.


Human integrity and multiple disability, multiple defect, accessory disorder, symptomatic defect. Terminological definition, models of perception of people with multiple disabilities.

The importance of education of people with multiple disability. Institutional and pedagogical accompaniment, social support.

Changes in cognitive and emotional development of people with multiple disability. Special pedagogical diagnostics of people with multiple disability and subsequent creation of an individual study plans.

Psychomotor development of an individual with respect to variations in a child with multiple disability. Sensomotor development of a child with multiple disability and the possibility of special educational support.

Possibilities of communication of individuals with multiple disability. Influence of multiple disability on the quality of life of individual and family.

The role of special pedagogue, family and other professionals in teamwork.