Exkurze 2, II je zaměřená na studijní zájezd na výstavy ve Vídni, které nabízejí postupné mapování vývojových tendencí a souvislostí jak v umění slohových období od středověku do 19.století (Albertina, Kunsthistorisches muzeum), tak především v umění 20. a 21. století (Albertina, MUMOK, Kunstforum).
Historical, cultural and social contexts of urban environment. Conceptualization of a public space.
Linking theoretical knowledge with specific art phenomena and objects in the Czech region with particularly to modern and contemporary architecture and urban planning. The specific content, route and location of excursion will be planned so as to familiarize the students with basic information about places, objects and art collections, so that they are able to fulfil particular assigned personal tasks (a study of further literature and current information sources – internet), which will be focused on specific phenomena, objects and their integration into the complex of theory findings and basics of fine art culture.
The aim of this course: Art-historical and didactical aspects of interpreting architecture and urban acts in the area of the CR since the 19th century until now. The meaning of culture-historical relations, discursive models of their creation.