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Workshop - Photography I

Class at Faculty of Education |

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Sylabus se může měnit dle aktuální situace:   1/Seznámení s průběhem semestru 2 - 3/  Možnosti konceptuální fotografie 4 - 5/ Malba světlem – čas ve fotografii   6-7/ Fotografický deník 7-8/ Koláž / Apropriace ve fotografii – využití archívů 9-10/ Časosběrná fotogafie 11-12/ Hodnocení semestrálních prací


Students work on their own art projects with the aim to create series of photographs. They learn basic photographic techniques as well as genres and post-production methods. The photography projects are continuously discused during lectures and the visual inspiration sources are investigated together with possibilities of the photographic language statements in broad spectrum of means of the artistic expression.