Úvodní setkání se studenty – úvod do problematiky, naplánování podpory dětí/žáků, dobrovolnických aktivit (2 hod.) První setkání v letním semestru 2022/2023 proběhne hybridně ve středu pondělí 22. 2. 2023 v 17:10 v učebně R016 a na zoom linku https://cuni-cz.zoom.us/j/8970073449.
Přímá dobrovolnická činnost (příprava, samostudium, realizace – přímá práce s dětmi/ žákem/žáky, reflexe (88 hodin), min. 24 hodin přímé činnosti
Možnosti pravideln ých průběžných online konzultací k reflexi své činnosti s vyučujícími (6 hodin)
Závěrečné setkání – sdílení zkušeností, reflexe zkušeností (4 hod)
Students as volunteers (i.e. the work is not financially remunerated) support at least one pupil (group of pupils) in the form of tutoring, babysitting, provision of leisure activities, mutually beneficial volunteering within the community, etc. (OSPOD, non-profit organizations, aid schools, foster families...). The target group of beneficiaries of volunteer activities are mainly (but not exclusively) disadvantaged primary and secondary school students (for example, from socio-economically disadvantaged backgrounds, with special educational needs, war refugees, etc.).
Children/pupils can take turns during the implementation of volunteer assistance. Students carry out volunteer activities according to their current activities and possibilities.
If he does not have the opportunity to arrange support for a specific student himself, he can contact the teacher of the subject or obtain information or contact the workplace during the introductory reflective seminar. In the subject, students share and reflect on their experiences with volunteer activities - reflection is both individual and group.