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Foreign language - English II

Class at Faculty of Education |



GRAMMAR: prepositions of time; question forms; future plans and intentions; polite inquiries; phrasal verbs; modal verbs for rules and advice; articles; present perfect; superlatives

VOCABULARY: collocations with get and make; knowledge; decisions; facilities (places in the city); success; technology collocations; sports and games


GRAMATIKA: how to speculate, defining relative clauses, do and did for emphasis, future continuous, passives

SLOVNÍ ZÁSOBA: lifestyle adjectives, extreme adjectives, enterteinment, environment, illness and treatment, phrases related to time


In this course it is systematically worked with the texbook Speakout 3rd Edition published by Pearson to develop students´ oral, listening, reading and writing skills as well as grammar and vocabulary. The overall aim is to help students become more confident and fluent users of the English language.

The course is offered in two language levels, pre-intermediate and intermediate.