Podrobnosti k jednotlivým tématům jsou uvedeny v kurzu v Moodlu
1) Stovková tabulka
2) Cik-cak čtverece, magické čtverce a číselná dvojčata
3) Poziční číselné soustavy
4) Znaky dělitelnosti a dělitelnost, Diofantovské rovnice
5) Zlomky a racionální čísla
In the course, the student will deepen his arithmetic knowledge and, in particular, develop the skills needed for effective learning and stimulating teaching. These are the skills to experiment, organize partial results and purposefully use regularity, formulate and verify hypotheses and argue solutions.
The starting point will be the solution of the presented tasks. The skill of formulating new tasks based on a given task or situation will also be developed based on asking questions such as: What if (not)? and finding answers to them.
We emphasize activities that develop thinking, such as argumentation, such as why the chosen procedure works. The requirement to develop the skills just mentioned is key in the preparation of future teachers.
This makes the concept of arithmetic qualitatively different from the concept that students probably encountered in pre-matriculation studies.