V kurzu v LS bude dán prostor pro témata s přesahem do práce učitele
- modulární (ciferníková) aritmetika
- vazby v číselných strukturách
- otevření konceptu nekonečno v matematice a
- 3D geometrie - práce s tělesy
- pravděpodobnost vizuálně
- práce s nadanými žáky
- diagnostika žákova myšlení a úrovně poznání
- metodika řešení slovních úloh
- práce s videonahrávkami vyučovacích hodin a další podle návrhu studentů
The course in WS 2023/2024 is focused on areas that are important for the future teacher and there is no time for them in regular teaching. 1st area (first half of the semester) - a stimulating approach to teaching mathematics oriented towards building mental schemes of mathematical concepts in pupils, i.e. the Hejného method of teaching mathematics in the 1st grade. primary school Attention will be paid primarily to the methodological aspect. Based on his own active activity and experience, the student will get to know the principles of this method more deeply. Furthermore, students will become familiar with sets of textbooks and reference materials and how to work with them, especially how to work with graded tasks, diagnostic tests, self-assessment and peer assessment in mathematics. 2nd area (second half of the semester) - work with gifted pupils in mathematics. The student will get to know examples of activities, the principles of differentiating teaching with respect to gifted pupils, resources for enriching teaching and everything will be supported by theoretical starting points.
Students will have the opportunity to visit the professional conference Meeting with the Hejné method, which takes place on 25 November 2023 in the premises of the faculty (information www.hejnehometoda.pedf.cuni.cz), or get to know the teaching of the Hejné method directly in practice at the basic school. They will also be able to get to know the tandem teaching of two teachers in one class.
Within the second area, students will also be able to visit direct teaching of gifted pupils in the first grade at ZŠ Curieových, led by Mgr. K. Jůzová.
The optional course in WS will only be open to 15 or more participants.