1-2. Education Reform Movement Abroad I (Turning to a Child, Pedocentrism, General Principles, E. Claparede, J.
Dewey) 3-4. Education Reform Movement Abroad II (M.
Montessori, P. Petersen, C.
Freinet) 5-6. Education Reform Movement in Inter-war Czechoslovakia I (The Experimental Movement) 7-8.
Education Reform Movement in the Inter-war Czechoslovakia II (Questions - Concept of Education as a Science Discipline, School Reform, Struggle for Uniform School, Higher Education of Teaching) 9-10. Development of Initial Education 1774 - 1869
This course follows the course History of Education I. It guides students not only towards orientation but also to understand the reasons for the emergence of new streams of educational thinking and school practice XX. century. In addition to developing trends abroad, emphasis is once again on appropriating the roots of domestic tradition as a basis for understanding the present. The conclusion of the course is devoted to the development of initial education in the Czech lands.
The seminar is focused on reading and analysis of source texts, work with school chronicles and the use of oral history methods when working with witnesses.