Course contents: It follows the course curriculum Methods and Techniques DV I SD and its laws, Aristotelian curve, from play to SD, different directions in SD work At the end of II. pull. independent creation of new educational dramas on current themes, or themes from RVP with subsequent realization, written description of realized drama as well as theoretical analysis and evaluation reflection of realization.
1. Repetition of the curriculum of the method and techniques DV I.
2. Structured drama techniques in terms of building a whole
3. SD and its laws - Aristotle curve
4. Various directions in SD (UK, Ireland, Czech Republic)
5. The choice of theme for the structured drama method
6. Selection of themes for the independent creation of educational structured dramas from RVP
7. Creating the basic curriculum of structured dramas
8. theoretical curriculum analysis
9. realisation of newly created SD, theoretical analysis of units
10. Realisation of newly created SD, theoretical analysis of units
11. realisation of newly created SD, theoretical analysis of units
12. Summary of the curriculum, evaluation
The aim of this course is to deepen the knowledge and skills in the field of drama structuring and independent grasp of this teaching method.