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Basic gymnastics and sport games

Class at Faculty of Education |







Unusual sports games

Gymnastic terminology

Warm up and preparatory exercises - theory and practice, choice of movements, hands apparatus. Music intepretation in individual parts of the lesson, use of apparatus in the preparatory part of the lesson.

Motor function preparation in gymnastics. Age, performance and health specifics.

Basics of acrobatic exercises, balance beam exercises


Less traditional apparatus in gymnastics


Basics gymnastics

The theoretical content of the lessons is focused on the knowledge of common terminology, on the organization of teaching, knowledge of the biomechanical patterns of gymnastics exercises and on the issue of warming up and development of motor skills and abilities of younger school age children.

Practical lessons include training exercises with hand apparatus and on apparatus. Special emphasis is put on motor-functional training in gymnastics, ie on stimulation of motoric abilities by gymnastic movements. Practical training will include acrobatic exercises, using apparatus as vaulting apparatus, trampolines, horizontal bar, rings, boxes, beams, balance benches etc. Support, help, protection and saving from injuries. A special feature of the course is the use of the computer program Coaches Eye to evaluate the quality of the execution, which builds on the knowledge of biomechanics of gymnastic exercises.

Basics of sports games

The basic syllabus of the course is the acquisition of movement skills in sports games in handball, basketball, volleyball and football + their modifications at the level of the requirements of the rules of minigames. Through training, I will pass on knowledge to students about the technical and tactical aspects of gaming activities as a starting point for the didactic process in teaching these games on school TV at the 1st stage of primary school. An integral part of the content is also the organization of management and decision-making of mini-matches, including knowledge of the basic rules of these games.

An indispensable aspect of the course is the focus on the integration of disabled students in a theoretical and practical perspective and the teacher's activities to work with these students, including work with motivation of intact students to integrated students and vice versa - in line with strengthening prosocial behavior (according to current trends in inclusive education).