1. Cíle, obsah a učivo Vv.
2. Vizuální gramotnost a kulturní kompetence.3. RVP ZV Umění a kultura. Standardy pro základní vzdělávání. Učivo VV.4. Tvořivost5. Otevřené podoby výtvarné edukace6. Galerijní a muzejní edukace7. Inkluzívní výtvarná výchova8. Vizuální vnímání.9. Výtvarný úkol. Výtvarný projekt. Didaktická analýza.10. Psychologická východiska Vv.11. Učitelovo pojetí předmětu. Reflexe kurzu.Semináře využívají různých metod a metodologií (např. galerijní a muzejní edukace, analýza videa, hospitační analýzy výtvarných úkolů, reflektovaná tvorba aj.)
The course Art Education Didactics 1: Contexts of Art Education is designed for students who specialize in art education.
It represents educational subject art education in a wider context of contemporary pedagogy, human sciences, social theories of education, sociology, and philosophy. In connection with curricular documents, it leads to the search for intersections of art education with other subjects, which include cultural education and artistic creation. It also supports the form of interdisciplinarity, where artistic exploration of objects and phenomena complements scientific knowledge. It studies the specifics of children's artistic expression as a phenomenon of ontogenesis. Its stages, characteristic features, individual differences, and typological tendencies in children's artistic expression. It examines creative processes in education and the possibilities of their development.
It strives for systematic thinking in context and strengthens students' idea of the educational subject of art education with the aim to lay a solid foundation for the subsequent study of didactics. It presents art education not only as a creative art discipline but also as a cognitive subject with the potential for the development of communication and reflective competencies, which emphasizes the development of functional visual literacy of students and pupils.