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Foreign Models of Pre-Elementary Education

Class at Faculty of Education |

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1.       Úvod a UNESCO, ISCED 2011 – přečíst ISCED 2011

2.       Práce s dokumentem Key Data on ECEC 2019: access, policy integration

3.       Doporučení pro ECEC v předškolním vzdělávání v Evropě: Doporučení Evropské Rady 2019

4.       Kurikula v ISCED 0

5.       Inkluze

6.       Programy podporující integraci dětí do vzdělávacího systému

7.       Jazyky

8.       Odborná příprava učitelů v ISCED 0

9.       Individuální práce na prezentaci

10.   Společná prezentace jednotlivých témata jejich reflexe


Students will be introduced during the course on issues of pre-primary education abroad. The course introduces students to the basic types of systems of pre-school education and early care abroad in the context of educational and social policy settings of the respective countries and the European Union.

The course offers a deeper insight into the specifics of the functioning of the given systems on the example of selected model countries and thematic problems of the pre-school education in the given countries. The aim of the course is to lead students to a deeper understanding and reflection of selected problems of pre-school education, which are related to the specifics of setting the given models of pre-school education abroad.

The aim of the course is to find inspiration for own pedagogical work and the direction of Czech pre-school education. Part of the course will be working with international studies, video demonstrations of preschool work from selected countries, working with up-to-date country information and their models published on the European Commission, OECD, UNESCO, DECET and other international organizations.