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Specifics of English language teaching at lower secondary schools

Class at Faculty of Education |

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- kurikulární dokumenty (RVP, ŠVP), tematické plány, přípravy na hodinu

- faktory vyučovacího procesu

- cíle výuky

- obsah výuky

- žák

- učitel

- řízení edukačního procesu (role mateřského jazyka)

- plánování hodiny / fáze hodiny

- didaktické prostředky

- hodnocení ve výuce cizích jazyků / oprava chyb  


The aim of the course is to apply the TEFL theory in the context of lower secondary schools. Students will study the fundamental curricular documents and their relation to communicative competence.

In the context of lower secondary school we will explore areas such as factors of educational process, aims and content of teaching, teacher, student, planning and managing the educational process. Analysis and evaluation of video recordings of lessons at lower secondary schools will enable students to identify and evaluate specific aspects of language teaching and thus develop their professional vision.

Students will learn about the criteria for choosing and evaluating a teaching material (especially course books). By means of authentic materials and recordings students will have the opportunity to analyse and evaluate oral and written performance of students at lower secondary schools at various levels of communicative competence.