- Vyučovací hodina, plánování a příprava vyučovací hodiny
- Osvojování jazykových prostředků: gramatika, zvuková a grafická stránka německého jazyka
- Řečové dovednosti: Čtení a poslech s porozuměním, Psaný a mluvený projev
- Chyba, typologie chyb a jejich korektura
Learning outcomes of the course unit The aim of the course is to develop the knowledge base of didactics, ie knowledge of the system of basic didactic knowledge and skills of orientation in the complex issues of content and process of teaching and learning pupils. In this course, students will learn the basic principles of speech development and language acquisition, both in theoretical and practical terms.
Students will also learn about typology of errors and possibilities of their analysis and proofreading. Video recordings from microwaves and students' practices incl. their reflection will encourage students to develop skills to see specific aspects of teaching, problem situations, ask questions and critically analyze and evaluate their own and foreign experiences, as well as support the development of goals setting, planning, implementing and evaluating others' learning and teaching.
The course has been taught in German.