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ICT Didactics 03

Class at Faculty of Education |


The subject is oriented into the constructivist approaches to teaching at primary and secondary school, implementation of logo culture, respecting the pupils' learning styles and the concept of teacher work depending on the technologies available in school practice. The main attention is paid to the methodological questions of the development of algorithmic thinking at elementary and secondary schools, eg. using the programming languages (Imagine, Logo, Scratch, BeeBot SW, LEGO WeDo SW, LEGO Mindstorms NXT / EV3 SW, Ozoblockly etc.) contributes to the development of the didactic thinking of the teaching staff for the fulfillment of the objectives of the informatics, information technology education and curriculum documents, and should motivate the students of teaching to create a creative approach to the teaching of ICT. <span title="Předmět umožňuje hlouběji nahlížet do možností propojení informačních a komunikačních technologií s jinými předměty v rámci mezipředmětové spolupráce.

">The course allows a deeper insight into the possibilities of interconnection of information and communication technologies with other subjects within the framework of inter-subject cooperation.The necessary communication of students and teachers will be realized through the Moodle Virtual Learning Environment or Google Classroom. Students will be provided with assignments, requirements and other necessary information for the course and completion of the subject. During the semester, students will be able to process individual and group assignments delivered through a Moodle Virtual Learning Environment or Google Classroom, which will also provide the opportunity for individual and group consultation with the teacher. The course assignment topics will touch upon the main thematic units of the subjects and will be oriented especially on the children's programming languages and the possibilities of their use in the teaching or the methodological aspects of the teaching of algorithmization and programming.


The aim of the subject of Didactics of Information and Communication Technology 03 is to develop the competence of the teachers in the field of didactics of information and communication technology necessary for solving methodical questions of information and technological education and to prepare the students of teaching in their second continuous pedagogical practice and analyze and reflect this practice.