- Úvod do studia latiny a latinské terminologie
- Úvod do latinské gramatiky – I. - III.deklinace(substantiva, adjektiva)
I. - IV. konjugace sloveso esse, posse předložky
- Sentence
- Dějiny odborné terminologie
- Tvoření odborných termínů – (přejímání slov, výpůjčky, sémantické změny, derivace, kompozice, kalk a jiné postupy)
The aim of the course is to become familiar with the Latin language on the basis of selected grammatical phenomena and to deepen general language education. Translations of phrases and simple sentences from Latin into Czech are a means of understanding the system of the Latin language.
Emphasis is placed on actively mastering the lexical minimum of medical terminology and on the etymological connections of Latin words with internationally used terms. The student learns the process of creating professional terms from the medical and especially pedagogical fields based on the Latin and Greek languages.
Emphasis is placed on the professional terminology used within the interdisciplinary approach to the intervention of persons with impaired communication skills.