1. A Vstupní test B Intervaly sppolehlivosti C Normalita dat
2. Korelační a regresní analýza
3. Faktorová analýza
4. Shluková analýza
5. Analýza testu
6. A Opakování. B Výstupní test Studijní opory naleznete na http://kpsold.pedf.cuni.cz/skalouda/pokrocili/pokrocili.htm Připomínky k těmto sudijiním oporám jsou vítány. Piště prosím na alena.skaloudova@pedf.cuni.cz
The prerequisite for successful completion of the course is knowledge of mathematical statistics in the extent of the bachelor course OBPS13511 Quantitative Methodology IX (http://kps.pedf.cuni.cz/skalouda/skalouda.htm). It is the preliminary for Diploma Seminar A (quantitative).
It provides a deeper insight into the basic concepts of testing - objectivity, validity, reliability and discrimination. This gives its connection to the courses in Diagnostics in Psychological Counseling, Child Diagnostics and Adult Diagnosis.
The course is a prerequisite for the elaboration of a thesis based on a quantitative methodology of data processing.